Bujinkan Tōryū, the home of Mats Hjelm and information about the latest news, trainings, seminars and videos of Bujinkan Budō-taijutsu.
I have been training Bujinkan Budō-taijutsu since around 1983-84 (I forgot). I passed my 5’th Dan test in August 1992, 10’th Dan in 2003, and 15’th Dan in 2008. In August 2015 I was awarded the Yūshū Shihan title, then in October 2017 I received the Dai-Shihan title (the highest rank in Bujinkan) by Hatsumi Sōke.
I have been to many many seminars all around the world for my own training, and still does. I went to 16 Taikai with Hatsumi Sōke between 1988 and 2003 when he travelled around the world (plus many Daikomyousai in Japan). And I have done around 50 training trips to Japan to train with Hatsumi Sōke and the Shihan since 1990.
In 2020 I decided to take the “warrior name” Tōryū (兜龍). Using my family name “Hjelm“, which is a 500 year old Swedish soldiers name (in english “helmet”, in Japanese “Kabuto“). By using the “hard headed kanji” plus the kanji of the dragon makes a totally new meaning.
I teach weekly in my own dojo at Kaigozan Dōjō in Stockholm. And I do seminars when asked. I have taught many seminars in Sweden but also in Latvia, Turkey, Hungary, Germany, Holland, Finland, Australia and Estonia.
For a full resume, click here.

マツイエルマ Mats Hjelm (a.k.a. 兜龍 Tōryū)
Bujinkan 15’th Dan, Dai-Shihan
The natural mind is one that has absorbed all learning
and is free from thought of all that it has learned.
Do not see things in things that are, and do not see things that are not.
Move beyond these things and see the truth behind.
Training with me at Kaigozan Dojo
Train with me in the Kaigōzan Dōjō at Råstensgatan 3 in Sundbyberg.
- Tuesdays 19:00-21:00
- Thursday 19:00-21:00
I work in shifts, so I can’t be at the dojo every Tuesday and Thursday. When I’m not available, other Dai-Shihan step in to cover for me. (Kaigōzan has many experienced instructors who have been training for a long time.) My schedule allows me to be at the dojo on the following dates:
- January: 9, 21, 28, 30
- February: 6, 18, 25, 27
- March: 6, 18
- JAPANTRIP52 (March 22-April 6)
Extra training; if there is at least 5 people that want extra training, contact me and we set up a training with me at Kaigozan Dojo.
In body there exists no soul.
The mind is not real at all.
Now try on me thy flashing steel.
As if it cuts the wind of Spring, I feel.
Training with me at Seminars
I have taught seminars all around the world, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, Holland, Australia and Estonia. I’d love to travel and teach more. If anyone is interested organising something, contact me for details below.
My seminars is often filmed and available for download at Budoshop.se.

See my videos
I have recorded many video’s that is for sale at Budoshop.SE.You can also watch shorter clips for free at Bujinkan.TV.

* * * H A P P Y – T R A I N I N G * * *