義鑑流骨法術 Gikan-ryū Koppōjutsu has it’s origin from Gyokkō-ryū in the mid 1500’s. It is one of the nine schools in the Bujinkan Dojo system.
義 GI : righteousness, justice, morality, honor, loyalty, meaning
鑑 KAN, kangamiru, kangami : specimen, take warning from, learn from
流 RYŪ, RU, nagare : style, current, flow
骨 KOTSU, hone : skeleton; bone; remains; frame
法 HŌ, HATU, HOTU, nori : method; law; rule; principle; model; system
術 JUTSU, sube : art, technique, skill, trick
Oh, 義鑑流
Mirror of truth
Reflecting hearts
The path is arduous
Illuminating justice

義鑑流 Gikan-ryū (School of truth, loyalty and justice) has it’s origin from Gyokkō-ryū in the mid 1500’s. Sogyokkan Ritsushi the 12’th Sōke of Gyokkō-ryu taught a man called Akimoto Kawachi the Martial Arts. Akimoto then later passed on his knowledge to Uryu Hangan Gikanbo who founded the Gikan-ryū Koppōjutsu.
In 1863 Uryu Gikan the 10’th Sōke was wounded and escaped the Tenchūgumi incident to a nearby temple where he met and was taken care of by Ishitani Takeoi Masatsugu which already was the 25’th Sōke of Kukishin-ryū. Uryu passed on his knowledge to Ishitani who became the 11’th Sōke of Gikan-ryū.
In 1906 Ishitani Matsutaro Takekage the 12’th Sōke of Gikan-ryū passed on the teachings to young Takamatsu Toshitsugu who already was the 27’th Sōke of Gyokkō-ryū. Here the roots of Gikan-ryū came back to Gyokkō-ryu again.
In 1962 Akimoto Fumio the 14’th Sōke met an untimely death and he didn’t have any successor for the school. Shortly there after Takamatsu Sensei gave the school to Hatsumi Masaaki, the founder of Bujinkan Dōjō.
For a list of all the techniques in Gikan-ryū click here!

1. 瓜生判官義鑑房 Uryu Hangan Gikanbo (1570)
2. 瓜生義光 Uryu Yoshimitsu (1592)
3. 瓜生義盛 Uryu Yoshimori (1644)
4. 瓜生義近 Uryu Yoshichika (1673)
5. 瓜生義隆 Uryu Yoshitaka (1704)
6. 瓜生義方 Uryu Yoshihide (1764)
7. 瓜生義茂 Uryu Yoshimori (1801)
8. 瓜生義明 Uryu Yoshiaki (1844)
9. 瓜生義安 Uryu Yoshiyasu (1864)
10. 瓜生義鑑 Uryu Gikan (1868)
11. 石谷武甥正次 Ishitani Takeoi Masatsugu (1905)
12. 石谷松太郎隆景 Ishitani Matsutaro Takekage (1911)
13. 高松寿嗣翊翁 Takamatsu Toshitsugu Uoh (b.1887 – 1972)
14. 秋元文雄 Akimoto Fumio (1894 – 1962)
15. 初見良昭 Hatsumi Masaaki (b.1931 – present)
16. 逆井則男 Sakasai Norio (2020 – present)
the first strike will not come from the martial winds