This is my monthly or bi-monthly Toryu Newsletter. Maybe you don’t really know that much about me, didn’t you read my bio? I have been training in the Bujinkan for quite a while now.
But apart from Bujinkan training I have also been interested in computers and internet, before most of you were born… actually there was no internet when I started training. I hear you say, OK boomer. No I’m actually gen-x, stop your insults right there, hehe.
I know I sound really old, but I created the first Bujinkan web site in 1995. That’s 10 years before facebook (no, facebook is not internet!). But before all of that I was communicating with other Martial Arts nerds over Compuserve and FidoNet.
Over the years I created many web sites and they all have their own focus. For example…
- TORYU.SE is my personal Bujinkan web site.
- KAIGOZAN.SE is my Dojo web site
- BUDOSHOP.SE is our download video shop (all profits benefits my dojo).
- NINZINE.COM used to be 1.4Mb floppy disc multimedia magazine from before websites was invented. Now it is collecting articles and essays from other blogs,
- BUJINKAN.ME was intended to be a more general Bujinkan information website.
Contribute to the Toryu Newsletter
If you want to advertise a seminar in my Toryu Newsletter, all I ask is that you email me a link to a web site that does not require a login (yes, it includes facebook!) with all the information needed for the seminar.
If you have something else you want to share, please contact me by e-mail on newsletter at toryu.se. Please do not send me links that is behind pay wall, or login wall (like most social media), I will not publish links that cannot be accessed without a login.
- January 21, 2025 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #12
- October 29, 2024 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #11
- June 10, 2024 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #10
- June 14, 2023 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #9
- April 5, 2023 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #8
- December 21, 2022 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #7
- October 23, 2022 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #6
- May 16, 2022 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #5
- April 18, 2022 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #4
- March 1, 2022 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #3
- December 28, 2021 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #2
- October 22, 2021 Bujinkan Toryu Newsletter #1