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Training with me at Kaigōzan Dōjō

I run the Kaigōzan Dōjō at Råstensgatan 3 in Sundbyberg and have classes weekly. Here is my weekly training schedule. See the Kaigōzan Dōjō web site for more information. Note we have more trainings in the dojo led by other instructors.

– Tuesdays 19:00-21:00
– Thursday 19:00-21:00

I’m always up for extra classes

If there is a group of more than four persons that wants to do an extra class please contact me!

I’m working shifts all days of the week, so you need to ask me if I’m not working.

Organize a seminar with me?

kabuto_img_1699If you want to organize a seminar with me, please contact me for details.

I’m working shifts of 4-5 days and then I’m off 4-5 days. Best is to contact me with suggested date and times.

Bujinkan Dojo the 9 schools - Wappen

Bujinkan Dojo the 9 schools. The schools are hundreds of years old, but the Bujinkan is new. Bujinkan Dojo was founded by 初見良昭 Masaaki Hatsumi Sōke after his teacher passed away in 1972.

Upon encountering his teacher, Hatsumi sōke experienced fear for the very first time in his existence. Despite being around 27 years old and having encountered numerous martial arts masters and street thugs, he had never been intimidated by anyone until then.

Takamatsu sensei was a 70 year old martial arts master with 20 years of actual combat experience in China during the early 1900’s. Hatsumi Sōke felt that he was as powerful as a warrior god. Takamatsu sensei passed away in April 1972. Later on Hatsumi Sōke named the organisation to 武神館道場 Bujinkan Dojo in honour of his teacher. More about Takamatsu here if there is interest.

武道体術 Budō-taijutsu

Bujinkan Dojo and the 9 traditional schools - REI

The art that we in Bujinkan Dōjō practice is generally called Budō-taijutsu. But there is many different arts in the Bujinkan system. For example, Jūjutsu, Jūtaijutsu, Dakentaijutsu, Koppōjutsu, Kosshijutsu, Ninpō-taijutsu, Yoroi-kumiuchi.

These are all unarmed combat systems both with and against yoroi (armor) and of course also without armor. All the styles are slightly different from each other with different focus on how to handle combat situations.

Then there is also many, many weapons taught in the curricullum. Weapons such as knife and swords of various lengths. Sticks and staffs of various lengths. Pole arms and spears. Big heavy battle weapons. Flexible weapons such as ropes and chains. Projectile weapons such as throwing spikes and stars.

In the traditions there is also knowledge how to use explosives. Guns, cannons etc but this is not really practiced anymore.

初見良昭 Hatsumi Masaaki

Bujinkan Dojo and the 9 traditional schools - Hatsumi Soke

Hatsumi Sōke was born December 2’nd 1931. He retired from actively teaching in 2020. The 武神殿 Bujinden (the Bujinkan honbu dōjō in Noda-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan) is still open for training. Hatsumi Sōke started training martial arts when he was seven years old. He studied most of the modern Japanese martial arts such as Kendo, Judo, Karate, but also western boxing.

Sōke also played soccer and social dancing. He graduated from Meiji University with a major in theatre production. He also studied medicine and opened his chiropractic clinic in Noda city.

In addition to his martial arts background he is a highly respected writer, and artist. Hatsumi Sōke have produced many books videos about Japanese Budō and culture. He played guitar in a hawaiian music band in his teens. And he was also an advisor or director for many films and TV series during the 60’s and 70’s. Most famous here in the west is probably the Shinobi no mono movies starring Ichikawa Raizo. But also Chokugeki Jigokuden and Kage no gundan both starring Sony Chiba.

He also acted as Yamaji Tetsuzan in the Asahi TV series in the late 80’s. He is an accomplished Nihonga style artist of brush and ink. His art work have been exhibited in various galleries around the world. He is also a collector of antiquities, and dreams of opening a Budō museum for people interested in martial arts (donations is welcome) in the future.

Hatsumi sōke have received numerous prices and awards from high positioned leaders from all around the world for his work. I did list most of these awards on my previous website (here is one copy), I plan to put it here again and update it if there is interest.

九伝 History

Bujinkan Dojo and the 9 traditional schools - Shugenja

The origin of our budō comes from “China and the lands beyond” more than 2500 years ago, some records go as far back as to 4300 years ago. Fighting methods with sticks and stones have probably been around since the homo sapiens first appeared.

The legends say that 忍の者 Shinobi no mono (poularly called ninja) was involved “behind the scenes” in ōkume no Mikoto’s nation-bulding operations and Emperor Jimmu’s subjugation of Yamato around 600 BC. Some old dokuments also say that Prince Shotoku (574-622 BC) used Shinobi. During the T’ang dynasty (618-907 AD) two persons from China named Yao Yu Hu and Zhang Wu Sheng brought their martial arts to the mountain regions of Iga (today Shiga prefecture) where they taught the locals Hichō-jutsu and Senban-nage among other arts.

Another legend tell us the story about General Yi Gou who fled from military defeat in China and landed at Ise where he hid in the Sada caves close to Iga and practized Zen meditation. Yi Gou was a master of Hichō-ongyō-jutsu. After some generations these teachings formulated into different ryū-ha (schools) of martial arts.

In the early 1900’s 高松寿嗣 Takamatsu Toshitsugu learned all nine schools (and more) from three masters. He had many students but at the end of his life he had only one true student left, and that was Hatsumi Yoshiaki who changed his sir name to Masaaki (same kanji but different pronunciation).

Hatsumi sōke trained with Takamatsu sensei for 15 years and learned everything, in 1968 he was appointed to be the next grandmaster for all nine schools by Takamatsu sensei.
The following poem was written by Takamatsu sensei to Hatsumi sōke.

Long ago I was an accomplished warrior of the Koppōjutsu tradition.
I was courageous, and as intense as a flame, Even in battle against dangerous animals.
I have a heart that is like the wild flowers of the meadow,
And yet as straight and true as the bamboo.
Not even ten thousand enemies can cause me fear.

Who is there in the world who can keep alive this will of the warrior’s heart?
There you are.
This one sent to me by the Warrior Gods (武神 = Bujin).
I have been here waiting for you through the ages.

Takamatsu sensei died on April 2, 1972 at the age of 85 and Masaaki Hatsumi became the head master of the nine ryū-ha we have in the Bujinkan Dōjō.

手解き Introduction of Bujinkan to the west

It was after the first book in English about Ninjutsu (Ninja, the invisible assassins by Andrew Adams) in 1970 when the first westerners started to get in contact with Hatsumi sōke. Doron Navon from Israel had already found Hatsumi sōke in 1969, he went home after five years training with Hatsumi sōke in 1974 and opened the first dōjō outside Japan in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Around the same time Stephen Hayes from USA moved to Japan for training, he moved back home to USA and introduced Bujinkan in 1980 to the americans. Ishizuka sensei, one of the Japanese Shihan was invited by Bo Munthe to Sweden on his honeymoon in 1974 for a short visit, Bo Munthe visited Japan the following year for two weeks and met and trained with Hatsumi sōke for the first time. He then went back home with 1’st Dan and was allowed to open a dojo in Stockholm under supervision of Ischizuka sensei.

In the early 80’s the big “ninja-boom” came in the west and everyone wanted to be a ninja. The word “Ninja” and “Ninjutsu” was widely used effectively because it was what many people wanted and it was easy to get many, many students. But there was really not much Ninjutsu taught. Hatsumi sōke was teaching from all schools under the name Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu because the people wanted to learn Ninjutsu. Later on it was called Bujinkan dōjō Ninpō-taijutsu until 1995 when sōke deiced to change it to Bujinkan dōjō Budō-taijutsu.

The training in Japan had been very tough in the 70’s as sōke was struggling hard to feel worthy for the legacy of Takamatsu sensei, he said that it took him 30 years of hard training to feel worthy (15 years of training with Takamatsu sensei, and another 15 years of hard training and testing the effectiveness of the style).

He trained so hard that he got sick. The training in the west was also hard and tough in the 80’s but for another reason, the art was still young and everyone teaching and writing books only had a few years of experience in the art. Often the lack of technique made the trainings dangerous and violent wich resulted in many unnessesary accidents.

Today the art here in the west is more mature and the level is much higher. But there is still a lot more to learn from Hatsumi sōke and the shihan. If you choose a random date anytime of the year there is around 50-100 foreigners training with Hatsumi sōke in Japan. This does not mean that the training is bad outside Japan, on the contrary it is really good. There is many good instructors everywhere, but if you want to train with the best you still have to go to Japan.

現代武道 Modern day use and practice

Bujinkan Dojo and the 9 traditional schools - Gun defence

The techniques, principles and feelings from the old is still valid today! The Bujinkan system is taught to suit our modern day society for self defence for civilians, but also for special forces, police etc.

Hatsumi Sōke have taught people from police, special forces and agencies all around the world who can testify that what he teach is still very practical and useful even today.


One very important thing that makes Bujinkan unique is that you don’t need to learn each and every weapon there is as a separate art. The Bujinkan system teach us how to use whatever object we have in our hands effectively.

It doesn’t look spectacular. It doesn’t look beautiful.
And if the technique is good you can’t even see what happened. Many times the one who received the technique don’t know what happened. Maybe even the one who did the technique don’t know or can explain it. This is the feeling of a Bujinkan technique, something that is very difficult to explain.

(aru to omottara nai – nai to omottara aru)

This is one of Hatsumi Sōke favourite poems and it means something like; If you think it is there, it is not; if you think it is not there, it is. This might be very difficult to grasp, but consider if you think you understand you probably don’t.

Hatsumi Sōke have said many times that the invisible training starts after the 5’th Dan test. So even if you have seen videos on Youtube and think it looks like bullshit, please visit one of the many Shihan in Bujinkan and taste our art. Use your gut feeling, don’t judge us by bad examples on Youtube, don’t judge us because you don’t understand, or get the full feeling. Many things you need to feel to understand.

Hatsumi Soke retires and 8 new Soke

Hatsumi Soke retired from teaching (officially) from January 2020 being 90 years old right before the virus shut down the whole world. Around the same time he announced 8 new Soke for all the 9 Ryu-ha.

  • Tsutsui Takumi 35’th Sōke of Togakure-ryū
  • Ishizuka Tetsuji 29’th Sōke of Gyokkō-ryū
  • Iwata Yoshio 29’th Sōke of Kukishin-ryū
  • Nagato Toshirō 27’th Sōke of Shindenfudō-ryū
  • Kan Jun’ichi 22’nd Sōke of Gyokushin-ryū
  • Noguchi Yukio 19’th Sōke of Kotō-ryū
  • Sakasai Norio 18’th Sōke of Takagiyōshin-ryū
  • Sakasai Norio 16’th Sōke of Gikan-ryū
  • Furuta Kōji 16’th Sōke of Kumogakure-ryū

Study Bujinkan in Japan

Old Honbu Dojo 27 Feb 2015
Old Honbu Dojo 27 Feb 2015

If you are a beginner I recommend you to start training in a local Dōjō under a qualified Shidōshi or Shihan until you have reached at least 1’st Dan (about 2-3 years hard training). There is no need to go prior to this.

The new Honbu Dojo was opened in February 2015 about 100 meters up the rail road tracks.

The Honbu Dojo opened up again after the “virus years” in January 2023. Many of the new Soke and Dai Shihan is teaching in Honbu Dojo weekly.

The trainings in Japan is on a high level which requires that you know the basics well. In fact you don’t need to go to Japan until you are a 4’th Dan (at least 8 years hard training). there is many Dai Shihan around the world that have trained for a very long time.

If you go on the other hand, there is many things you should know that is not written down anywhere. Japan is a very different country than the western countries, it is very easy to make mistakes so be careful!

Bujinkan Dai Shihan

マツイエルマ Mats Hjelm (a.k.a. 兜龍 Toryū)
Bujinkan Dōjō Dai Shihan 15’th Dan

Here is a little information about me. I have been training Bujinkan Budo-taijutsu since around 1983-84 (I forgot). I have been to many many seminars all around the world for my own training, and still does. I went to 16 Taikai with Hatsumi Sōke when he travelled around the world (plus many Daikomyousai in Japan). I have done about 50 training trips to Japan to train with Hatsumi Sōke and the Shihan. In October 2017 I received the highest rank in Bujinkan by Hatsumi Sōke called “Dai-Shihan”. I teach at Kaigozan Dōjō in Stockholm weekly. I do seminars when asked. Every training in Bujinkan starts with…

Chihayaburu kami no oshie wa tokoshie nitadashiki kokoro mio mamoruran.
The teachings of the swift and mighty gods shall forever protect the righteous mind and body.

伝記 Biography

My first experience with Ninpo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu) was in 1983 or 1984 (can’t exactly remember). A couple of friends of a friend had been to Stockholm training with Bo Munthe. But living so far away from a real instructor I couldn’t do much more than ukemi training, and very amateurish copying from videos and books. After my military service (which was just a waste of time, please don’t ask) I moved to Stockholm 1986, and started training regulary with Sveneric Bogsäter.

After my first visit to Japan in march 1990 when I came home Sveneric had abandoned us and moved to Malmoe. And the dōjō we trained in was history. We moved in to a small basement on the other side of town (20 square meters big, no toilet, no showers). I kept training there for a short while, then I also started training with many other instructors around Stockholm.

I passed my 5’th Dan test in august 1992 on my first attempt. This was a surprice since I really wanted to get hit (just for the experience), but something else beyond my intelligence moved me out of the way.

In September 2008 I got the highest rank in Bujinkan Dōjō from Hatsumi Sōke. Some people call this Kugyō Happō-biken, but I don’t know, my diploma says simply 15’th Dan. But this does not mean that I stopped learning, this is important to understand. Once in Honbu Dōjō my master said that there is no highest level, there is always something beyond. If you have this attitude I believe you can go far.

Since then he invented more “ranks”… in 2014 I got the Shin-Gi-Tai Bufū Ikkan diploma, and in 2015 I got the Yūshū Shihan diploma. The next and last highest “rank” is now Dai Shihan which I got in October 2017.

The best trainings I know is of course Hatsumi Sensei training’s in Honbu dōjō, When I go to Japan I usually train with Shiraishi Sensei, Noguchi Sensei, and Nagato Sensei. Sometimes I also train with other Shihans both Japanese and western. I have fond memories of trainings with Seno Sensei, Oguri Sensei who passed away, and Hatsumi Sōke that has retired. The best trainings is without doubt in Japan.

If you think it is there, it is not; if you think it is not there, it is.

Kaigōzan Dōjō

This is my dōjō located in Stockholm, it was founded in October 1990. If you are in town, please drop by for a free training! For more information about our dojo see our web site

I think teaching is fun and enlightening, but training under other’s (anyone with something to teach regarding rank actually) is sometimes even more enlightening.

Teaching seminars

I love to travel around the world for training and sharing my stuff. So far I have been invited to teach at seminars in Sweden, Latvia, Turkey, Hungary, Germany, Holland, Finland and Australia. If you are interested to invite me for a seminar, please contact me.

後書 End note

English is not my native language and this might come out other than intended, I’m sorry if that is so. I will might come back and read through the text again and change it in the future, but right now I want to finish the rest of the web site to.
I would be happy for corrections if you see something that is not correct, please let me know. I could omit the whole text until I was happy with it, but that would take years. I’ll take the chance and realize I might look stupid in some eyes and release it anyway. This is also part of 決死 kesshi (in the spirit of do-or-die) or maybe being a 傑士, hehe.

ガンバッテクダサイ Ganbatte kudasai!


  • 1983 Introduced to Ninpo Taijutsu by a friend
  • 1986 August – Moved to Stockholm and started training (CI: Sveneric Bogsäter)
  • 1986 September – My first seminar was with Stephen Hayes
  • 1988 August – My first Taikai was the Stockholm Taikai
  • 1988 August – Was awarded 1 Dan
  • 1989 January – Was awarded 2 Dan
  • 1989 August – Malmoe Taikai
  • 1990 Jan-Mar – First Japan trip (6 weeks) (Was awarded 3 Dan)
  • 1990 August – Malmoe Taikai
  • 1991 August – Malmoe Taikai
  • 1992 February – Was awarded 4 Dan
  • 1992 August – Malmoe Taikai (Passed the Godan test, 5 Dan)
  • 1995 August – England Taikai
  • 1996 August – Holland Taikai
  • 1997 July – USA Taikai
  • 1997 August – Spain Taikai (Was awarded 6 Dan)
  • 1998 May – Italy Taikai
  • 1998 August – Stockholm Taikai
  • 1998 November – Japan Trip #2 Daikomyousai (4 weeks)
  • 1999 March – Japan Trip#3 (3 weeks) (Was awarded 8 Dan)
  • 1999 August – England Taikai
  • 1999 November – Japan Trip #4 Daikomyousai (3 weeks Japan)
  • 2000 June – Holland Taikai
  • 2001 Mar-Apr – Japan Trip #5 (3 weeks)
  • 2002 July – Norway Taikai
  • 2002 December – Japan Trip #6 Daikomyousai (2 weeks) (Was awarded 9 Dan)
  • 2003 March – Japan Trip #7 (2 weeks) (Was awarded 10 Dan)
  • 2003 August – USA Taikai
  • 2003 Nov-Dec – Japan Trip #8 Daikomyousai (2 weeks) (Was awarded 11’th Dan)
  • 2004 Mar-Apr – Japan Trip #9 Taikai (3 weeks) (Was awarded 12’th Dan)
  • 2004 September – Japan Trip #10 (3 weeks)
  • 2004 Nov-Dec – Japan Trip #11 Daikomyosai (2 weeks)
  • 2005 September – Japan Trip #12 (2 weeks) (was awarded 13’th Dan)
  • 2006 January – Japan Trip #13 (2 weeks)
  • 2006 September – Japan Trip #14 (2 weeks)
  • 2007 January – Japan Trip #15 (3 weeks)
  • 2007 September – Japan Trip #16 (3 weeks) (was awarded 14’th Dan)
  • 2008 January – Japan Trip #17 (3 weeks)
  • 2008 May – Japan Trip #18 (2 weeks)
  • 2008 September – Japan Trip #19 (2 weeks) (was awarded 15’th Dan)
  • 2009 January – Japan Trip #20 (2 weeks)
  • 2009 June – Japan Trip #21 (2 weeks)
  • 2009 December – Japan Trip #22 Daikomyousai (1 weeks)
  • 2012 November – Japan Trip #23 (2 weeks)
  • 2014 April – Japan Trip #24 (2 weeks)
  • 2014 Jul-Aug – Japan Trip #25 (2 weeks) (was awarded Bufu Ikkan diploma)
  • 2014 Nov-Dec – Japan Trip #26 (2 weeks)
  • 2015 February – Japan Trip #27 (2 weeks)
  • 2015 May – Japan Trip #28 (2 weeks)
  • 2015 August – Japan Trip #29 (2 weeks) (was awarded Shidō-Yūshū Shihan)
  • 2015 Nov-Dec – Japan Trip #30 (2 weeks)
  • 2016 Jan-Feb – Japan Trip #31 (2 weeks)
  • 2016 Mar-Apr – Japan Trip #32 (2 weeks)
  • 2016 August – Japan Trip #33 (2 weeks)
  • 2016 October – Japan Trip #34 (3 weeks)
  • 2017 February – Japan Trip #35 (2 weeks) (Gold Medal)
  • 2017 May-Jun – Japan Trip #36 (2 weeks)
  • 2017 Aug-Sep – Japan Trip #37 (2 weeks)
  • 2017 October – Japan Trip #38 + Australia (3 weeks) (was awarded Dai Shihan)
  • 2018 January – Japan Trip #39 (2 weeks)
  • 2018 March – Japan Trip #40 (2 weeks)
  • 2018 May-Jun – Japan Trip #41 (2 weeks)
  • 2018 August – Japan Trip #42 (2 weeks)
  • 2018 November – Japan Trip #43 (2 weeks)
  • 2019 January – Japan Trip #44 (2 weeks)
  • 2019 March – Japan Trip #45 (2 weeks)
  • 2019 June – Japan Trip #46 (2 weeks)
  • 2019 August – Japan Trip #47 (2 weeks)
  • 2019 November – Japan Trip #48 (2 weeks)
  • 2020 February – Japan Trip #49 (2 weeks)
  • 2024 March – Japan Trip#50 (2 weeks)
  • 2024 October – Japan Trip#51 (2 weeks)
  • 2025 Mar/Apr – Japan Trip#52 (2 weeks)

The natural mind is one that has absorbed all learning
and is free from thought of all that it has learned.
Do not see things in things that are, and do not see things that are not.
Move beyond these things and see the truth behind.