
Kukishin Ryū (九鬼神流) was founded at the end of the Kamakura-era (around 1336) by 出雲冠者義照 Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru. There is many branches of Kukishin-ryu still alive in Japan, many branches was put together by Takamatsu sensei in the 20’th century and then given to Hatsumi Soke.
I believe there is actually several branches of Kukishin-ryu schools within the Kukishin-ryu of Bujinkan Dojo. Kukishin-ryu was and still is a very complete school covering everything from strategy, philosophy, religion and of course fighting empty handed and with all kinds of weapons.
In the Bujinkan system Kukishin-ryu is perhaps most famous for it’s many weapons techniques such as sword, spear, halberd and staffs of various lengths. But there is also lot more to the school. Here is a list of the major sections of the Kukishin-ryu techniques we train.
- Daken Taijutsu (Unarmed fighting techniques)
- Kodachijutsu (Short sword techniques)
- Bikenjutsu (Sword techniques)
- Hanbojutsu (Fighting with 3 Shaku stick)
- Bojutsu (Fighting with 6 Shaku stick)
- Sojutsu (Fighting with the Yari (spear))
- Naginatajutsu (Fighting with the halberd)
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2. 出雲小四郎照信
3. 出雲又四郎照秀
4. 出雲文五義照
5. 出雲冠者義隆
6. 出雲冠 者義輝
7. 大国鬼三太清澄
8. 堤伯耆守律山
9. 栗山右近源長臥房
10. 有馬河内介正義
11. 大国小源太幸久
12. 木村一刀斎兼介
13. 有馬大助忠明
14. 風間新九郎秀近
15. 大国鬼平重信
16. 大戸根左近康正
17. 大戸根源八康秀
18. 大戸根源五郎康平
19. 淡路入道近康
20. 鞍馬小太郎玄進
21. 大国出 雲守重広
22. 杉野重平太兼光
23. 久原源十郎義種
24. 久原小太郎信義
25. 石谷武甥正次
26. 石谷松太郎隆景
27. 高松寿嗣
28. 初見良明
29. 岩田義雄
Izumo Koshiro Terunobu
Izumo Matsushiro Teruhide
Izumo Bungo Yoshiteru
Izumo Kanja Yoshitaka
Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru
Ohkuni Kisanata Kiyosumi
Tsutsumi Hakushi Mori Ritsuzan
Kuriyama Ukongen Nagafusa
Arima Kochinosuke Masayoshi
Ohkuni Kogenta Yukihisa
Kimura Ittosai Kanesuke
Arima Daisuke Taddaki
Kazama Shinkuro Hidechika
Ohkuni Kihei Shigenobu
Otone Sakon Yasumasa
Otone Genpachi Yoshihide
Otone Gengoro Yasuhira
Awaji Nyudo Chikayasu
Kurama Kotaro Genshin
Ohkuni Izumo Mori Shigehiro
Sugino Juheita Kanemitsu
Hisahara Genjuro Yoshitane
Hisahara Kotaro Nobuyoshi
Ishitani Takeoi Masatsugu
Ishitani Matsutaro Takekage
Takamatsu Toshitsugu Uoh
Hatsumi Masaaki
Iwata Yoshio