Bujinkan Baton fighting. The Jutte or Jitte (十手), literally meaning “ten-hand” (i.e., the weapon with the power of ten hands), is a baton weapon for self defence.
In the Edo period Japan the Jutte was a substitute for a badge and represented someone on official business.
All high and low ranking law enforcement officials called Okappi or Doshin carried the Jutte as a badge of office.
Also other high ranking samurai officials called Aratame carried a Jutte. For example hotel, rice and grain inspectors carried a jutte.
“Without right or left, no hand becomes ten hands (Jutte). Within Bujutsu, it is said that Tessen Jutsu and Jutte Jutsu have similar formidable points. With these, one can topple a strong enemy and protect one’s body. This is known as Juppo Sessho no Jutsu. Juppo Sessho brings Heaven and Earth, East, West, North, South – all polarities in the universe -into accord. It is named after the way it is applied. This is called Jutte Jutsu.” – Masaaki Hatsumi
Hatsumi Sōke taught Juttejutsu as a theme of the year in 1991. In 2003 he taught the same techniques but using the Kunai weapon instead combined with the Koteki Ryōda Juppō Sesshō no Jutsu from Takagiyōshin-ryū as the theme.
It is said that these techniques belongs to Kukishin-ryu.
1. 無想之構 MUSŌ NO KAMAE – clear mind posture
2. 水鳥之構 MIZUDORI NO KAMAE – water bird posture
3. 一之構 ICHI NO KAMAE – first posture
4. 青眼之構 SEIGAN NO KAMAE – natural eye posture
5. 天之構 TEN NO KAMAE – heaven posture
6. 一本松 IPPONMATSU NO KAMAE – solitary pine tree
7. 立下段 TACHIGEDAN NO KAMAE – standing lowered
桐之一葉 KIRI NO HITOHA – falling paulowina leaf (arrival of autumn)
落花 RAKKA – falling blossoms
水鳥 MIZU-DORI – water bird / 五輪碎 GORIN KUDAKI – five rings crush
雷閃 RAI-SEN – flash of lightning
竜下 TATSUGE – inferior dragon
廻捕 MAWARIDORI – revolve and capture
Bujinkan Baton fighting in Riga, Latvia
I did a Bujinkan Baton fighting seminar in Riga, Latvia in 2011 on this topic, the video is available here.