changing the web theme
I’m changing the web theme so it might look weird. Please have patience it will take an hour or a week?
I’m changing the web theme so it might look weird. Please have patience it will take an hour or a week?
CHECK IT OUT, YOU MIGHT LIKE IT? You can buy the poster at BUDOSHOP.SE Happy Training! /Mats
1980 – US Embassy demo in Tokyo 2008 – Bujinkan Kashiwa Demonstration 1989 – München Taikai 1991 – Daikomyousai Japan Why we don’t break boards
Sveneric Bogsäter from Holland together with Rob Renner, Duncan Stewart and Steve Olsen from Japan was invited to teach at this Swedish Tai Kai organized… Read More »New DVD’s from the Sweden Tai Kai 2011
There are many people in the Bujinkan who claim to teach reality based techniques without any real experience. There is however a few people that… Read More »Modern warrior coming to Stockholm in October